Up-time & Down-time Monitoring
Ensure stability with our uptime and downtime monitoring

Server Monitoring Service
Server monitoring service is needed because, however great an investment you may have made in building and then maintaining your website, its uptime remains hazy for 24/7. If it so happens that this downtime generates massive serious issues such as:
- How can someone think that they can trust you with their business if your website goes under downtime all the time? This is how an unreliable service leads to damaging reputation.
- What if your website goes down while your customers are waiting to buy your products or services? It costs you money but also loses you customers.
- Big search engines will have problems indexing your website on their result pages for having frequent downtimes and turns into a major decline in your ranking compared to your competitors.

Uptime & Downtime Monitoring
There is nothing more embarrassing in business than sitting in front of a customer who tells you, "Your website has been down for a while." Let this not happen to you; while we can't always predict tomorrow, we can take steps to protect it. With DomainEnroll's Server Monitoring Services, we don't just send you SMS or email notifications; we will do everything possible to rectify the error and notify you by phone simultaneously. That way, you will not have to embarrass yourself when one of the customers tells you that your server is down.