What is Point of Sale?

Point of Sale is a software used for billing and managing shops that sells goods. It's
main focus is maximum performance and stability. You don't loose money because of
downtime. Print your bills faster and make your profit grow faster.
Who can use Point of Sale?

Point of Sale can be used at various shops where you need customer billing. It can also
help you manage your inventories and goods so that you have all your information at your
How can we benefit from Point of Sale?

Point of Sale manages your goods so well that you can do more with less people involved.
Watch the sales hour by hour, time of the day, best sales in year so that year by year
your revenue increase. You know which customer spends more on you, treat them
deservingly and make them proud.
What are the different versions of Point of Sale?

Different versions of Point of Sale consists of very basic billing system to an advanced
inventory management system including multiple warehouses and internal shipping and
freight. The major versions are given below.
POS Billling, POS Inventory, POS ERP
POS Billling, POS Inventory, POS ERP